Monday, May 1, 2023

Transplantation period: Halyin allu ludu

Danyi donge dola hwla dumo duji kema;
Mwdo domiñ dola hwla damo daji kema!
Halyiñ allu si hache' myodu.
(Literal translation:
Can't stop working just because sun is shining too hot;
can't stop and stand still just because it is raining heavily!
Halyiñ pwlo is the busiest time.)
Ziro natives are busy in transplantation their paddy saplings from #Midiñ(Nursery) to #Aji (paddy field). One of the busiest month for our farmers.
Photos taken from various sources.
Endi (rice saplings) kwnne hepe donw?
Endi akkw kwkuñ, kwnyi, kwhiñ, kwpe, kwngo....

Midiñ (Nursery)

Endi bu'do

Ziro at present : Endi bu'nnw bo bu'nyado, endi lwnnw bo lwnyada.
PC #KojMama

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