How many clans are to be found among the Apatanis, and where are their members ?
Below is the distribution of clans on Ziro plateau as given by
the latest Census data (Hapoli town is not taken into account here). The largest clans of one given village (in terms of population size) appear
in bold. For the sake of convenience, those represented locally by less than 10 members are not mentioned. However I hope everyone will be able to find his/her own clan in corresponding locality... Please correct my mistakes, if any.
- Bamin : Bamin, Hano, Racho, Tilling, Tamo
- Michi : Dilang, Dule, Michi, Taniyang
- Bree : Bamin, Buru, Ligang, Mudang, Tage, Tamo
- Reru : Duyu, Habung, Khoda, Kuru, Nani, Nenkar, Padi
- Kalung : Kalung, Lod, Mom, Nako, Subu, Tailang,
- Tajang : Mihin, Millo, Misso, Ngilyang, Radhe, Rubu, Tage
DUTTA : Chiging, Koj, Mobia, Yachang
HARI : Doging, Dusu, Gyati, Hage, Landi, Narang, Nending, Tadu, Tasso
HIJA : Dani, Dimper, Haj, Hidu, Kime, Kago, Miri, Nada, Nending, Nenko, Pullo, Pura, Pyagang, Taku, Taro, Taru
HONG : Budhi, Bullo, Bulyu, Hibu, Kago, Kani, Mudang, Nami, Narang, Neha, Padu, Punyo, Tabing, Tallo, Tapi, Tilling, Takhe, Tinyo
LEMPIA : Barme, Mihin, Millo, Misso, Nani, Ngilyang, Radhe, Rubu, Tage
MALIONG : Mihin, Millo, Rubu, Tage
MANI POLYANG : Bullo, Bullyu, Hibu, Hoj, Narang, Punyo, Takhe, Tallo,
MUDANG-TAGE : Buru, Ligang, Liagi, Mudang, Tadu, Tage
OLD ZIRO : Chiging, Dani, Duyu, Habung, Hage, Haj, Kago, Kalung, Khoda, Koj, Kuru, Lod, Mobya, Mihin, Millo, Mobya, Mom, Nako, Nani, Nending, Ngilyang, Padi, Puna, Pura, Rubu, Subu, Tailyang, Tage, Taku, Taro, Taru, Yachang
SIRO : Budhi, Bullo, Hibu, Kago, Kani, Kuru, Mudang, Narang, Punyo, Radhe, Tabing, Takhe, Tallo, Tapi, Tilling
Apatani clans